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Domestic Violence

CARES Advocates are familiar with social services, law enforcement, legal services, and medical services.  We can help you find the resources you need.  Advocates offer assistance, in person or over the phone to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and other crimes




First things First!  Get & Stay Safe!!

Things Our Advocates Can Help With:

1.  Have a Plan of Action: If you think another violent episode
may occur call law enforcement.  Tell a friend about your situation so you can stay there if needed.  Keep a spare change of clothes, extra money, spare car and house keys, and important papers in a safe place (with a Friend) in case you need to leave quickly.

Orientation to Court and Judicial System.  CARES advocates provide each victim or witness with the state of Wyoming handbook for victims/witnesses and accompany them to court.  CARES orients victims and witnesses to the courtroom and to basic court procedure. 

2.  Call the CARES Staff:  Staff or volunteer advocates can talk
with you. They can help you sort out available alternatives and you can discuss your feelings about the violence in the relationship. 

(All Confidential)

Court Escort and Support.  CARES advocates accompany victims & witnesses to all court hearings and proceedings. We also stay with them to offer support before, during and after court proceedings.

3.  Call your Local Law Enforcement

Case Status and Disposition.  CARES advocates will help victims & witnesses stay in contact with the Big Horn County Attorney's Office concerning the status of their case and outcomes of proceedings. 

4.  Seek Medical Attention: Tell your physician that you
are a victim of domestic Violence so he/she can treat you thoroughly.

Victims Compensation Assistance.  CARES advocates will help in filling claim forms to receive reimbursement for physical injury and other losses suffered during a crime.


Crisis Intervention and Advocacy. CARES advocates offer assistance in person or over the phone to anyone who is in a difficult situation due to battering, sexual assault, incest, stalking or any other crime.  CARES provides options and assistance to help victims move past the victimization. 


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